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Our Complete Website Process

Creating a successful website involves more than just design and development; it’s about understanding your needs, planning strategically, and executing each step with precision. At WeMakeWeb, we follow a comprehensive website process that guarantees success by ensuring every aspect is covered. The website process below applies when you purchase a website package from us. Not looking for a website package? View our other processes.

Our 10 Step Website Process Ensures Success.

Kick-off Call

After you contact us, we'll arrange a kick-off call/meeting. During this call, we will discuss your goals, target audience and request any assets that we may need.


We will then conduct competitor research, keyword research, market analysis, and target audience analysis. If you already have a website, we will also perform a comprehensive review of your current site.



Next, we will create a sitemap for your website, along with wireframes, style tiles, content, and other visual elements. We will then proceed to design your website. Explore our full website design process.

Design Revision

Once we have designed your website, we will meet to showcase it, or if you'd prefer, we will email you a copy of the design to ensure you are happy with it. You are welcome to request any changes, as all of our website plans include unlimited tweaks!


Our team will then take your design and transform it into reality. During this phase, you will have access to monitor the development progress in real-time. Find out more about our website development process.

UI/UX Testing

Your website may look great, but it needs to be thoroughly tested. We will meticulously comb through your new website for flaws and bugs, ensuring it is perfect, responsive on multiple devices, and user-friendly.

Showcase Call

Once we are confident your website is pixel perfect, we will arrange a showcase call to go through your website page by page with you, to ensure you are completely satisfied with it.


Once you are completely satisfied with your website, we will work on a launch plan, which includes system migration, training, hosting, and more. We will also set a launch date to showcase your amazing website to the world.

Post Launch Checkup

The days following your site launch are extremely important. Our team will continuously monitor your site's performance, check your rankings, and ensure everything is running smoothly!

Ongoing Maintenance

We want your new site to remain state-of-the-art. To achieve this, you'll need to invest time into your site's upkeep. Our support and maintenance plan will take care of this for you!

You're just a 10 steps away from success

You’re just 10 steps away from success! Our website process is simple. While most companies take advantage of budgets, we don’t. We do what’s best for you.