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How A Snapchat Redesign Led to Financial Losses Of Over £700 Million

by | 7 July, 2024

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

The Controversial Snapchat Redesign

The Snapchat redesign of 2018 remains one of the most talked-about examples of how a UI/UX Redesign can significantly impact a platform. The update was intended to make the app more user-friendly by separating content from friends and professional publishers. However, it ended up sparking widespread outrage among users.

Public and Celebrity Backlash

The backlash was swift and loud, with millions of users voicing their discontent on social media. One of the most notable criticisms came from celebrity Kylie Jenner, who tweeted:

“sooo does anyone else not open Snapchat anymore? Or is it just me… ugh this is so sad.”

Source: Twitter also known as X.

This single tweet reportedly caused Snapchat’s stock to plummet by over 6%, reflecting the power of influential voices in the digital age. In addition to the stock drop, the app store saw an influx of reviews; 83 percent of App Store reviews (1,941) for the update were negative with one or two stars, according to data provided to TechCrunch by mobile analytics firm Sensor Tower. Just 17 percent, or 391 of the reviews, gave it three to five stars.

A Financial Loss Of Over £700 Million

The redesign wasn’t just a public relations disaster; it also had significant financial repercussions. Snapchat’s parent company, Snap Inc., suffered a loss of over £700 million as a result of the negative reception and subsequent drop in user engagement.

Snapchat’s Response and Resolution

In response to the overwhelming backlash, Snapchat took several steps to address the concerns of its user base. First, they rolled back some of the most criticized features of the redesign, restoring a semblance of the original user interface that users had grown accustomed to. Snapchat also improved its communication with users, explaining the reasons behind the changes and seeking more direct feedback through surveys and community outreach.

Additionally, Snapchat introduced incremental updates to refine the app’s functionality based on user feedback. They focused on improving performance, simplifying navigation, and enhancing the overall user experience. By engaging with their community and showing a willingness to adapt, Snapchat managed to regain some of the lost trust and gradually saw a recovery in user satisfaction and engagement.

Lessons Learned from the Snapchat Redesign

The Snapchat redesign serves as a critical lesson for companies and developers. It highlights the importance of thoroughly understanding user needs and preferences before implementing major changes. Investing in good UI/UX design is crucial, as it can make or break a digital product. For businesses, prioritizing UI/UX Design is not just about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring functionality, user satisfaction, and ultimately, the financial health of the company.

The Snapchat case study underscores the necessity of engaging with the user community and being responsive to their feedback. It shows that even well-intended changes can have unintended negative consequences if not carefully planned and executed.